Thursday, May 29, 2014

Another celebrities crush dream

This week I am suppose to be studying for the acca finals. But instead I no idea why I kept thinking about Eun Ji Won after I watch some episode of 1N2D

When I woke up I realized that I actually dreamt about the whole cast of 1N2D season. Or I think

Here goes the dream, I think. Can't remember dream quite precise. 


The dream that I started to remember is when I was in a concert. A small (I guess) Kpop outdoor concert. I was with my 2nd bro and my mom. Althought the concert got a few of my favourite artist, but I still had I great time there.

When I left the concert, it was still quite bright for a daylight. And the stage started to play the song Eun Ji Won's song, either Adios or Dangerous. I can't really remember. But I remember I left the concert quite happily cause 'knowing' he was around the same place as me when I left the area. 

When we were about to reach our car, the sky was already dark and streets lights were switched on. (Come to think of it, it's quite odd, but it's a dream!!! Anything weird can happen)

Anyway!! While we were on the way I saw Chriz Ooi from ECX(Malaysian dance crew), riding a bicycle on the opposite direction. Then I was "what?!?!"

Then we about to reach our car, again I saw Dennis Yin (again from ECX). But this time he was at a road side (opposite from our car) and talking to a older guy in Korean. And I was kinda feeling super odd, because of what I just saw while walking back. 


Then suddenly I'm like in another dream, cause I don't know how the hell I got there. The situation of the dream is relay running game or something. Cause this part I'm quite confuse and the dream I remember is quite fuzzy. 

I think is the cast of 1N2D, since I only remember EJW. It's not like I'm there. Instead like I'm watching a show but in inside or is like I'm a ghost (like I can see them, but can't see me). 

The relay somehow others got to run, drive, or cycle or something like that. And EJW was driving a cool sport car. That's all I remember. 

This dream was hard to describe because I could hardly remember what's going on. But one thing for sure that when I woke up, I was pretty fangirl-ing big time. Even though is just a dream :)

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