Thursday, February 24, 2011

wonder that i missunderstood or they missunderstood =/

Today, WeiLin have chinese camp. So that's means I'm gonna be alone during accounts.

But during recess, PeiYan and Yivon had invite me to go lunch with them after school. Then I say YES for that for sure! At least there's some company before class starts.

On the way we walk there, something unexpected happen. C= but only for a short while(means actually is nothing to everybody else)

We ate Pizza Hut for lunch. I feel bad cause I brought a little money. we took some photos too!!!
Come to think of it, is actually quite nice to eat lunch with them C=

Sadly I have to leave early.I think I left Pizza Hut about 1.50PM, maybe?(All I know that's is super near 2PM) When I left them in Pizza Hut, I walk alone back to school. I didn't bring watch, so when I'm waiting for the traffic light to turn green to cross the road.

While waiting for the traffic light, I kept thinking "faster faster!!! turn green!!!!! I think I left not much time to accounts class!!!!!" Kept thinking that while waiting for the light. Suddenly I notice 1 BIG group of form 5 guys(of cause there're familiar faces, but don't know the names). After I cross half of the road, I notice a car have car problem. A lady trying to fix it up, I think. BUT, somehow, I don't have time to think about the car, instead of the accounts class. .

Oh yeah, I need to wait for 2 traffic light only can make it to the other end. So I wait for the second traffic, the guys are coming close, they made the sounds of the siren of ambulance or maybe police car.

When I finally reach the other side, I quickly walk a fast as I could so I can reach school and quickly get my things to go Pn Sally's class.
But somehow, I think the guys already reached the side of the road and they still making those sounds and that time I got a feeling that I'm going to be late for my class. So I ran.

And I heard that, some of the guys shouted that "HEY!!! DON'T RUN!!!" I think that shout is for me, but I still run, to not late to class.

If they are talking about me, then they misunderstood, I'm not afraid about the siren thingy.
If I'm wrong then, I'm the one that misunderstood. =P

1 comment:

Emily C. said...

whoooo. i wonder who were they. tell me more in school yea ;) aiyo, this incident quite cool :P