Monday, October 12, 2009

Dancing on something liquid

Long time I didn't blog already... haha~~~
cause need to prepare for final term
but mostly I listen to music... XP

I can't believe that I'm so in to Super Junior
Emily introduce me to watch something (kinda connected to SuJu, a bit lah)
which is the title is "5tar K1ng"
watch it from youtube lah

she actually say that that one that dancing on the starch...

at 1st, i'm so dumb.. go watch without the sub title
To be honest there's plenty of episodes
so I don't know which episodes
so I pick ep119, that's without sub title... so when I watch, kinda blur blur...
then i search again that with sub title...

I search and watch...
watch 117... 120... 116...
then till I watsh 118
AT LAST!!! I found it...
the part that they dance on the water...

tell you 1 thing about the video... is so damn funny!!!
hahahahaha hahahahaha~~~~

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