Thursday, May 6, 2021

Human Behavior during Desperate Times

 Finally 2021 is the year I had entered as a working citizen. 

Quick summary on my career path. I still have not finish my ACCA, as I still stuck with 3 professional papers for god knows long how long. And meanwhile, I got my OBU degree, since got a tiny feeling that I might not have my ACCA certification.

Life so far is slow and copping with working and self study at the same time, which I am not doing well and struggling to juggle both at the same time. Respect people work and study at the same time

2020 is a terrible year for everyone, covid-19 hit pandemic.


Ookay... Let's me share my experience or rant that I faced today before I forget.

I had started in a healthcare provider company as an intern in January and confirm a contract staff in April. I am not a frontliner, but just a normal small account executive


Yesterday, my manager had sent some of my colleagues and me (newbie) to "volunteer", in World Trade Centre (PWTC) for the 1st day of vaccination of AstraZeneca. I was in charged to updating the system of mysejahtera for patients to 1st dose vaccine complete and inform the patients the upcoming steps. I like to think and take this as a blessing in disguise, as I can will learn new experience in this new journey and I should be proud that I took at least a small part in these difficult times

Already did not show a good impression to the higher up people, cause I reached late to travel in trains and got lost on the way since its early for the main door to open in PWTC. Not to forget to mention, the convention hall is HUGE. 

Lucky the PIC from my company did briefed to me again and I made it to the overall briefing with the whole team. Listening to the head of ATM for this event vaccination, was inspiring and scary at the same time, because I don't know what to expect. He emphases the important of teamwork and must make sure or avoid errors. I still remember he mentioned, "If 1 person or station facing problem, is the whole team's fault". Pressure was on.


9am, citizen came in the convention hall slowly and surely my station was filled up no time. As this is my 1st experience dealing with pandemic first hand. Uneasy citizen, patient citizen, grateful citizen, selfish citizen and etc. However, one thing for sure in these people's mind wants to get this thing out of the way. "Jaga diri, jaga kita", care for self, care for others

As morning just started, everyone(staff and volunteer) are just trying adapt to the situation. 

So far so good, if citizen scan all the documents and QR codes accordingly, got their jabs, wait patiently for their turn to check out from the hall.

Of cause citizen would be pissed off their turn was cut and if they waited very long. In the beginning of the morning, sitting were not organised and citizen just walk to the counter whenever they would see its just vacant for a second and cause others that not so daring to cut and wait even further.


There are few sections, for citizen to come in for vaccination, from what I understand ( I could be wrong, as I only know my section, which it was not ideal in this situation)

1. gathering outside, filled in consent form  

2. consultant station and registration, like any question, declarations, doubts and confirmations

3. vaccination

4. 2nd registration to complete 1st dose in system + observation period 

5. You're done


So far so good, things are going smoothly on my side, except the observation and registration for completion sitting was a mess. 

Then suddenly, on my end, I was stuck. It seems, the citizen I was dealing didn't scan, it seems the vaccination serial code. So I had a difficult time to proceed. And I was in a rush, I didn't finish registration part, I already let them sitting wait, then only I try to finish the process in the system. At the same time, other person already sit in front of me. "Why are they so fast??"  

Of cause I need to deal the issue I had at the moment and the person gladly sitting in front of me waited patiently on the counter like its their life wouldn't let go, if not they'll miss their chance it seems. Can't blame them at the same time.

I asked PIC for help. Then I tried explain and relay what had told to me and I tried the best I could (but my mind was panicking) to a runner to assist me, to ask for the vaccine serial number and bring back to me to manual key in. Because no one at the moment understand what I was trying to convey. That situation made me delay the time for so long.


The issue I faced just now I still can accept and learn from my mistakes and try to improve the way I did. Because I was trying to rush and I didn't even finish the process, I already sent them away for observation period. 

Okay, this was a small matter for what I am going to explain, but to my ego.. not small. From the previous issue, there was consequences. I made people waited even longer. And who voice out the loudest if things don't go their way??? No offence. Aunties. and social media persona 

I know it was my fault to for the delay. Please understand both side on the situation. Just because one person was complaining and I know she was talking about me (her eyes on me and later the PIC was warning me to speed up), but she mentioned all the station (yeah right 😣), but I can understand and accept the fault.

What sprinkle salt on my wound was, this girl... while patiently waiting for me to settle her case, so goes on Instagram and share story on the situation 😑

" Hi guys, I now just vaccinated, waiting to finish the process. However, there's an aunty complaining that she wait for so long.... blah blah blah..." Her camera also pointed to the aunty... WTH.. why do you need to do that and share? 

Yes, I was upset. Was at denial at the same time... also gladly I kinda don't need to serve the aunty.. afraid I would break down on the spot. This matters only for awhile and past. Try not to think so much and move on. 

After that, things were going well, and faster and the same time. I embrace the mistakes and try to be more efficient. Also halfway, there was an helping hand to write the covid card, as this took the most time and my hand writing was a mess too. 


In the end of the day.. all is well.. pray all the went thru me are well too.. Its weird and needed experience I need to face, since I am passive character, and help to to break a bit of my comfort zone.

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